Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Steak Mafia Dinner #4

Welcome back fellow steak-o-philes, to another exciting edition of The Steak Mafia blog. September was a particularly grueling month for your moderator, and yet, we were able to squeeze in a visit to the Trabuco Oaks Steakhouse, on 9/11/09. Where is the Trabuco Oaks Steakhouse you might ask? Well, it's on the border of Nowheresville, population: 3 squirrels, 1 skunk, and 2 tumbleweed. I used my GPS to get halfway there and then I had to put my ear to the ground and listen for the sounds of steak sizzling over a fire deep in the canyon to make it the rest of the way.

The Steaks were delicious and the restaurant was very similar to Pinnacle Peak, (they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery,) right down to the cutting off of our ties, (Finally, got rid of that mother-in-law gift!) Even though it took 2 days to get there, I believe everyone was happy with their steak, the results are below.


Art/The Godfather
Ponderosa 16oz Porterhouse-----3------------4--------5------------5---------4-------3------4


Ponderosa 16oz Porterhouse----4------------3--------4------------4----------3------3-------4

The Deacon/Bagman
Kansas City Rib---------------------4-----------4--------5*-----------5---------4-------3------4

Kris Gohlke/Bagman
Kansas City Rib---------------------4-----------4--------4------------4---------4-------3-------4

Kansas City Rib---------------------5-----------4--------4------------4---------5-------4-------5



*(Deacon scored his flavor a 6 but there are only 1-5 steak knives available)


The Godfather:
Restaurant was very cool inside; nice ambiance, liked the blue cheese for the salad; beans and veggies were good; cut filet side [of the Porterhouse] with the fork; little pricey; no separate checks (sucked).

no separate checks - sorry!

extra pts for blue cheese bowls on the table; cut off ties on all the walls; rustic decor, big tree growing though the middle of the joint; mediocre beans, zuccini and mushroom sides; no split checks :( filet side [of Porterhouse] was a 5!, cute souvenir paper tie they staple to your cutoff.

The Deacon:
Pres. - Very remote locationm ties everywhere, trees in the dining area pretty cool
Service - Good, but would have been cool to have separate checks
Flavor - speechless...
Tenderness - perfect
Value - a little high considering distance traveled
Overall - Always a good time hanging with the Mafia

Kris Gohlke (Cattle Killer):
Great steak, cool place, a little pricey. I'd eat here again. Little bit of a drive but good none the less! If "Tricky Dick" can eat here so can I!

Kelly "The Karnivore":
In the middle of nowhere but worth the drive. Good time with good peeps! Need to take a poop again!

Jeff "The Chainsaw" Meat Murderer:
I had a great time!!! The food was good but a little pricey